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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Drake's first Christmas was lovely.  He got lots of wonderful presents and had a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures

The day started at home where we showed him what Santa brought him

Stocking time

Aidan comes to investigate what Drake got

 It wasn't food so he left

He also got a little dragon

Quick change into holiday outfit and now he gets to see what mommy and daddy got him

Aidan isnt amused by this new intruder

 Getting ready to go to grandma (x2) house

Five minutes into the car ride

More gifts

And so much more gifts (not to many pictures sadly) but in the end tissue paper was the main attraction

Best 1st Christmas ever! 



  1. It looks like you had a great Christmas! I absolutely love the photo of Aidan and Drake on the couch-what a pair of cuties!

  2. ooks like he had a great 1st Christmas! Kristion has the same playstation thing and he loves it!

  3. Such a cute baby!

    Also, I love how the dog is so into the gifts! What personality.

    Thanks for linking up to my Christmas post :)
